"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." ~C.S. Lewis

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The story that doesn't end- moving to Tete

…Instead of reading him a bedtime story, Calvin’s father is telling him the story of what Calvin and Hobbes have been up to since morning:

...Em vez de lhe ler uma conta, o Pai de Calvin está a lhe contar a historia sobre o que Calvin e seu boneco Hobbes estavam a fazer desde manhã.

Calvin: GOOD NIGHT?! That’s not the end! You didn’t even get us to lunchtime!
Dad: That’s right… it’s not the end of the story. This story doesn’t have an end. You and Hobbes will write more of it tomorrow and every day after. But now it’s time to sleep, so good night.
Calvin: This is a good story about us if it doesn’t end! That’s the kind of story I like best!  

Calvin: Acabo?? Ainda não chegamos ao almoço!
Pai: É certo... não é o fim da historia. Esta história nuca vai terminar. Você e Hobbes vão continuar a escrever mais cada dia depois por sempre. Mas agora é o tempo de dormir.
Calvin: Isso é uma conta boa sobre nós se nunca vai terminar! É este tipo de conta que eu gosto mais do que tudo.

A few weeks ago I spend some time reflecting on the wandering path that was 2013. I could never have seen ahead to those events I experienced. Now, who knew that I would not only plant rice in Cambodia, but that those very skills would come into practice in Mozambique? The story keeps unfolding in such marvelous ways!

Na semana anterior, reflecti sobre o caminho de 2013. Nunca poderia adivinhar as experiencias que eu já tinha experimentado. Quem sabia que eu plantaria arroz na Camboja e em Moçambique também?  Esta historia continua a desenvolver de maneiras maravilhosas!  

They tell you when you come to work with an NGO in a country overseas to not bring any expectations with you, as that is the surest way to be discontent. They also tell you that in all likelihood, what you actually end up doing on the ground will look very different from what you pictured reading the “job description” online.  Though this advice is well meant, it is something you cannot fully appreciate until you experience it for yourself.

Quando você vai trabalhar com uma organização num pais longe de tua casa, eles dizem que é melhor  não chegar com grandes expectativas sobre o trabalho. Eles também dizem que a trabalho que você faria em realidade seria muito diferente do que você acha. Este conselho parece simples, mas deve experienta-lo antes de compreender.    

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the political situation in Machanga is still tense. With occasional vehicle attacks continuing on the northern road, and flooding waters threatening to cut off the southern road, I will not be able to go to Machanga for a while yet. So, we started looking for something else for me to do for the next few months. MCC has a partner in the province of Tete called the Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM). One of their project that MCC has been supporting for several years is the building of sand dams in rural communities. They also employ four local agricultural extensionists who go to these villages and demonstrate and teach conservation agricultural techniques.

Como já disse num blog anterior, a situação política-militar na região de Muxungue ainda continua. Por causa dos ataques armados e a possibilidade de inundação na rua do sul,  vou demorar mais para ir a Machanga. Por isso, precisei de procurar trabalho alternativo. A organização MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) tem um parceiro em Tete chama-se o Conselho Cristão de Moçambique (CCM). Lá em Tete, CCM construi as represas de areia e também ensina as técnicas de agricultura de conservação. 

New sand dam just finished this past november (will in time fill in with sand, the benefits of which I'll explain in my next post!)

Demonstration plot in one of the villages showing how optimum spacing, application of manure, minimum soil disturbance, and the use of mulch can increase quality and yield of field crops like maize.

A couple weeks ago, I endured the 11 hour bus ride to Tete to visit this project. I had been so proud of myself when I found the bus station using a map drawn by my Mozambican colleague on the back of an old receipt, and purchased a ticket all by myself. Apparently I bought the wrong one though, because as soon as I got home, everyone said, “you are taking THAT bus??” I didn’t think it was all that bad, if a little longer than the speedy mini-bus ones. But it left at 5 instead of 4, and that is reason enough to take the slow bus for me.

Na semana passada, sobrevivi a viagem de 11 horas a Tete para visitar CCM. Fiquei tão orgulhosa de mim que  consegui  procurar um bilhete sozinha, mas quando cheguei a casa, a minha família me tinha dito que eu compara uma bilhete da empresa de machibombo mais pior. É verdade que a viagem foi muito lenta, mas só precisei de sair as 5 horas (não as 4h), e tinha mais espaço do que as outras linhas.

After the formalities of being introduced to the staff at the Christian Council of Mozambique, I spent the rest of the week soaking in all I could: the sights, sounds, and tastes of Tete city (ate hamburgers for the first time since leaving home!); the successes and challenges of CCM’s work in Tete; and the experiences of farmers delving into conservation agriculture for the very first time.  And this leads me back to where I started... where this journey is taking me next. Last week I moved to Tete to work with CCM for a few months. I’ll be joining their agricultural extensionists, in the field, working with them to plan ahead for the upcoming vegetable season, and helping to gather stories of the farmers’ experiences. The plan is still to go to Machanga to teach at the school come July, but that part of the story has yet to be told, and who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Segunda-feira, fui apresentada aos trabalhadores de CCM.  Durante  a semana seguinte, passei a conhecer a cidade de Tete e o trabalho de CCM na região. Também comi muitas coisas deliciosas que nunca comi desde que sai de Canada (hamburger, tacos, macarão de vietnam...). Fui no campo com as extensionistas para ver as represas e os campos onde praticam a agricultura de conservação. No Fevereiro, irei trabalhar em Tete por  3-4 meses. Irei junto com as extensionistas ao campo, ajudar na horta, e fazer relatórios sobre as experiencias dos camponeses. Espero que em Julho possa ir para Machanga, mas esta decisão ainda incerta.   

And so the story goes on…

E a história ainda continua....

Graças ao professor Pinto pela correção do texto português